8.04 Teatro, Opera, Balet, Laterna Magica, Luz Negra y Conciertos

Teatro, Opera, Balet, Laterna Magica, Luz Negra y Conciertos

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Praga posee tres grandes y elegantes teatros que tienen operas a nivel mundial! Cuatro orquestas sinfónicas con importantes salas de conciertos para tocar: la sala Rudolfinum y el Smetana Hall.

Don't forget your fancy clothes!!

On top of that there is the Laterna Magica, famous since the 1958 World Fare in Brussels. Here dancers act together with film projections in a non verbal show. Really worth seeing and not the same as Black Light. Better!

And then the Black Light Theatres: If you like mime you will love it and if you are with children it is the best thing to do with them in the evening.

Opera Laterna Magica Black Light

Amazing Slovakia

Amazing Slovakia



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Slezská 57
130 00 Praha-3

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